Our services
We support, clarify, and communicate your value
Equitory services cover:
Investor Relations advisory: Building and delivering IR programmes. Services include: strategic IR advice throughout the financial calendar; production of results materials for investors; buy-side communication including leading investor meetings; and sell-side communication including maintaining consensus models and reviewing analyst notes
Investor Relations transaction support: Setting up IR functions for pre-IPO companies, including training of internal teams, and support for listed companies in managing investor communication during a large transaction
Investor Relations content: Drafting and project management of Annual Reports, Capital Markets Days, and Investor Perception Studies
Who we support
We work with private companies, to develop and structure a programme to communicate with their investors.
We work with listed companies, across both debt and equity IR, to support either as an outsourced IR team, or supporting an existing in-house IR team.
We support companies looking to IPO before, during and after listing, setting up their IR functions in line with best practice.
Our full service offering
In our capacity as either a fully outsourced IR function, or as a support service for an existing IR function, we offer a full range of IR services including:
IR advisory
IR strategy and programme development
Best practice advice
Support around results and trading updates
Results messaging
Drafting and editing of results documents including financial reports, presentations, scripts, Q&As and other supporting documents
Results event management
Investor services
Investor targeting
Roadshow logistics and meetings
Hosting and attending investor meetings
Dealing with investor queries
Conferences and other analyst events
Analyst services
Relationship management of both existing and potential covering analysts
Analyst queries and guidance
Review and distribution of analyst research
Analyst consensus maintenance
AGM support – Ad hoc investor events
Including site visits and Capital Markets Days
Board reports
Drafting and review of management and board reporting
IR website audit and development
Project support – IPO support
Support throughout the IPO process and beyond
Coaching on life as a listed company
Access to the Equitory IPO Handbook over a series of workshops
Developing the equity story and KPIs
Building a reporting timetable around the financial calendar
Producing all investor communication, including presentations and setting up a corporate website
Project support – transaction support
Extra bandwidth for existing IR and finance teams during a transaction
Includes production of presentations and document verification
Equitory can support you in producing a wide range of investor content including:
Investor communication
Equity story development
Investor perception studies
‘About’ investor presentation
Annual Reports
Drafting divisional spreads including case studies, strategic and sustainability content
Best practice content advisory
Proofing and verification of data
Managing content updates